Rotvajler ( RW ) Rottweiler
(Race standard)
(Origin and characteristics)
Maticna zemlja: Nemacka.
(Country of origin: Germany)
Poreklo: U prolece 74 g. n.e. u oblast danasnjeg Rotvajla dosla je XI rimska legija i dovela sa sobom legionarske pse, koji su kasnije po gradu Rotvajlu dobili ime rotvajleri.Od tada do danas rotvajler je menjao izgled. Danasnji standard odgovara sledecem opisu:
(Origin: In the spring of 74 AD XI Roman legion arrived in the area of today's Rottweil and brought with them legionary dogs, which got its name after the city of Rottweil. Since the breed has changed its appearance. Today appearance fits the following description:)
Opis: Telo je snazno i krupno. Visina muzjaka je od 60 do 68cm, Zenke od 55 do 63 cm; tezina oko 50 kg. Glava je okrugla, veoma siroka izmedu usiju. Vilice su jake; zubalo je makazasto; oci su tamnokestenjaste, izrazavaju dobrotu i vernost; trouglaste usi nosene su prema napred; rep se ne kupira, osim u zemljama koje nisu prihvatile ADRK smernice. Dlaka je kratka, gusta, crna s palezom na obrazima, njusci, grudima i nogama.
(Description: The body is strong. Height of male is 60 to 68 cm, female 55 to 63 cm, weight about 50kg. The head is round, very broad between ears. Jaws are strong, teeth are scissor like, eyes are dark hazel and they show goodness and loyalty, triangular ears are leaned fonvard. The tail is not cropped apait from the countries vvhich haven't adopted guidelines of ADRK club. The hair is short, black with pale parts on cheeks, snoop, chest and legs.)
Narav: Uravnotezen, miran, poslusan, lako uci, hrabar, ujedljiv samo ako je gospodar ugrozen.
(Temperament: balanced, peacefol, obedient, brave, learns easily and biting only if master is in danger.)
Koriscenje: Nekad je cuvao stada, a danas pomaze policiji. Dobar je cuvar i licni branilac. Vrlo je cenjen i kao pas za pratnju, privrzen je, narocito deci.
(Usage: It used to be a shepherd dog, and today it helps the police. It is a good guard and personal defender. ft is very respectable as an escort dog; it is loyal and attached to family, especially to children.)
Napomena: Moze odjednom da osteni i do 12 ostenadi.
(Note: It can have up to 12 puppies in a breed)